Health is a skill to be practiced,
not perfected.

Focusing on external goals, doesn't result in health.
You need to start within.

Our bodies are innately intelligent systems,
and self-healing if given the right environment.

Clients have an inner knowing there are imbalances within, and should be empowered during the healing process,
not gaslighted.

If every cell within you desires success,
you need to optimize every cell within you.

my philosophies

From a young age, I struggled with low energy, a weak immune system and digestive issues. Although my peers always appeared to have abundant energy and a resilient immune system, I accepted that my symptoms were normal. After all, it was all I knew.

In my 20’s, my health hit rock bottom. Cystic acne covered the lower half of my face, my hormones were imbalanced, I was burnt out, constantly bloated, had irregular bowel movements, my lymphatic system was congested and I barely had enough energy to get through a day of work.

I spent 7 years and tens of thousands of dollars hiring allopathic and naturopathic doctors to help me overcome the imbalances in my body, but their recommendations only provided minor relief and addressed the symptoms of my issues, not the root cause. Frustrated by the time and money I was wasting, I listened to my inner voice, empowered myself and became the CEO of my health.

Within 2 weeks of taking my power back, my body was finally healing and becoming my biggest asset; supporting me with abundant energy, sharp cognitive function, clear skin, weight loss and healthy digestion.

Through my health journey, I was able to discover my passion for the innate healing intelligence of the human body, the importance of empowering yourself and listening to your inner voice, and that excelling in your career and optimizing your health isn’t a trade-off – it’s an integration.

With in health, my mission is to share my passion with you so you can realize your greatest potential.

I'm Jessica, a holistic health coach that was let down by the medical system, until I paved my own way 

About in health

The health and fitness industry predominantly focuses on the external physique as a reflection of health. However, too much focus on our physical appearance can do more harm than good by damaging our self-confidence or overloading our body with stress.

At in health, I believe:

Health is a reflection of our internal relationship to self, our invironment and our environment, our intention and our initiative towards our health practices, what we ingest and the information we are inspired to act on.

Our bodies are innately intelligent and self-healing.

We need to connect inward and listen to the language of our body.

Clients should be inpowered to heal. They are the ones practicing everyday. The coach  is there for education, guidance and support.

It all starts within.

Health comes from within

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